Sparkstamp is an innovative marketer, bringing consumers the most popular offers on the internet. Our method is designed to deliver the highest quality leads & sales to our advertisers. While we strive to deliver the most relevant content on the web, we understand that consumers need change all the time.

Sparkstamp is a marketing leader with several years of experience in the industry. We look to maximize the potential of our partnerships. By understanding where each lead subscribed from, we control the offers they receive. We offer a variety of internet verticals including Education, Loans, Credit Cards, Gift Cards and Grants. Our technology and methodology, built in house, is designed to bring quality leads and sales to our advertisers. As experts in the industry, Sparkstamp understands that trends and needs of consumers change over time. We adapt to these changes and keep in mind that optimization of the campaign is key to really understanding the business. We look to build on our success by constantly improving revenue for our partners and always being on top of industry changes.